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Top 4 Mindsets for a Entrepreneur

Writer's picture: mommymagnatemommymagnate

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

I have seen a lot of different business owners. I always had a passion of understanding how someone could take a leap of faith such as starting a business. The most intriguing person that I always tried to understand was the individual who has a family. I am not saying the difficulty changes, it is the complexity of the situation. The first thing I thought of was the sacrifices that individual must make. The second thing I thought of was the mother attempting to do this going against her natural instincts to protect her children. All these concerns all though valid do not necessarily make the goal unattainable, they may slow the process but ultimately, I believe we all can push through. I say this statement being judgment free. I would never tell a person what they must go through, I just want to encourage you to see things a different way.

I too once thought the goal was unattainable, I thought my life was destined for misery and unhappiness. I looked at myself working a job missing out on memories that were priceless. One day I finally drummed up the courage to ask someone who was socially like me. “How did you do it?” I said, she said “What did I do?”. I replied, “how did you put all of the fears aside and make this successful business happen?” Her response was “One day at a time.”. Immediately she saw how deflated I was after her cliché response. She said “No!!! I did not mean that in a dismissive way, I honestly took it one day at a time.”. The first thing she told me was you must realize that you are climbing your mountain. No one knows what is on your mountain, not even you. The most important thing she said is no one is climbing this mountain with you. There will be people along the way that will give you advice on how to climb “a mountain” however you must understand that everything might not pertain to your mountain.

I completely understood and thought that well if I am the only one climbing this mountain do the people that offer help really care? Her response hit the nail of the head “There are many people around you who care about you as a person, but no one can understand how much it means for you to climb this mountain. Your goal is your goal, and you can never lose sight of that. You also must learn not to penalize them for not being considerate of things that they have no way of knowing. She told me there was 4 things she practiced every single day. None of it had to do with action, it was all about the mindset.

The 4 mindsets she told me about was:

Practicing every single day was obviously not the sole thing to get her to her goal but they were the foundation of getting up everyday and working towards it. The mindset makes the task bearable; it highlights your ability and not your weakness. Control what you can control she told me.

I am going to share the detail with you about each of the mindsets. You must remember that these are my details. You may need additional resources to get to your understanding.

Boss Mindset

Being a boss is not a position, it is a mindset. You do not need employees to be a boss. This means you are confident, the first to start and the last to finish. As a boss you must learn to not only take risk but being confident in your risk taking. Having a boss mindset is understanding that their will be no one there to tell you what needs to be needs done. There are many tools and resources out there however it is up to you to determine what it takes. This is important to understand as you learn to build you business. No matter what anyone tells you, there is no blueprint for you. There may be people out there selling a road map however the landscape is changing daily. A boss’s job is to learn how the resources are used and apply them when necessary.

There is obviously much more detail to thinking like a boss however this is the general idea. The most important thing to understand is as a boss it’s all on you. The rewards are yours but so are the failures. It is important that you learn to own it. The world now gives you access to information in seconds. There will be so many gurus selling you on the idea that if you follow their plan, you will make it. This is partly true. There are many individuals out there who have made it and the information they provide is very useful. The keyword is “useful”, it is your job to understand how to apply it.

Growth Mindset

A growth mindset means that you thrive on challenge, and don’t see failure to describe yourself but as a springboard for growth and developing your abilities. Your intelligence and talents are all susceptible to growth. A growth mindset is understanding that failure is a part of the process. I would be more concern if you get everything on the first try. When starting or having a business there is a little bit of luck involved. Growing a successful business requires being able to duplicate the success over and over, each time becoming more efficient. If you take the mindset of, I did everything right and I do not need to change at best you are going to limit your potential or worst-case scenario you will never duplicate it again because instead of focusing on the process of getting better you are looking for the success. Having a growth mindset is understanding that repeated success does not just find you, it is earned through time spent growing getting better.

Abundance Mindset

An abundance mindset refers to the idea that there is plenty out there for everybody. In business we always here the term saturated market. This is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome when thinking about what it is we are going to do to step away from the rat race. The world has been around for a long time and day by day it is becoming harder to become innovative. The was one of my main struggles, why would someone who I don’t know buy something from me. Whether you are a photographer, painter, motivator, etc. There are probably thousands of people out there that is doing it and they are more successful than you. Those the facts however, that has very little relativity on how successful you will be. You must believe in what it is you are doing. The reason it not working the way you want it to now is because you are still growing. You never want your talent to get you somewhere your character won’t keep you. The world is fruitful, and you need to believe that before you can see it.

Routine Mindset

Last but certainly not least is having a routine mindset. This is the most important to me. It is good to have success but incredible when you can duplicate it. Having a routine allows things in your life to become muscle memory. If you establish a routine of focusing on having the right mindsets, then it will become a part of your life. Your energy can be focused on getting better at other things because the foundation has already been established. Remember the growth mindset is about attacking new challenges. If everything is coming to you easy then you need to find an area to get better. Establishing a routine will allow you to create a flow. It will slow things down because you are no longer focused on time you are focused on actions. It will also increase your confidence. A part of this journey is about celebrating your wins, routines are wins. I found out that having a morning routine makes me feel most accomplished throughout the day. I begin my day with a celebration every day. Routines enable us to duplicate outcomes. Routines not only help duplicate success but also identify where we went wrong. It’s a lot easier to look at things in steps instead of evaluating the finished product.

These are the 4 mindsets I used for my success. There are a lot more out there, but I believe these 4 are a foundation to not only getting start but continuing to scale. It all starts in the mind. I can’t help but mention again how I only described these mindsets. There is much more that go into developing each mindset. People have research each one of these for years. There multiple books written on each one of these. Now I am not saying you need to be a scholar in each one to be successful but it’s going to take more than the small excerpts I have written. There is a book to each of these mindsets in the EBook section of the store.


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